Wednesday, December 29, 2010


i wrote this is becoz i was not in the mood~
felt very down~
felt my heart like being poked by a knife~
it was pain~
maybe is becoz miss u too much???
i dont wish to be like tat..
but i cant control it~
it juz happened anytime, anyway when ur face appeared in my mind~
issit becoz i put too much hope on u before tat???
no idea~
i wish i could concern u more as like b4~
get to noe the problems u facing and can help u solve it~
but i think is not possible for now~
but i still trying my best to concern u ~
i noe is bit stupid i am doing this~
but it will made me feel good when i doing all this things to u ~
although sometimes u din giv me a reply or respond~
i hope u wont hate me becoz i done all this stupid things to u ~

quite sometimes din meet u lerh...
sometimes really wan to meet u ~
but no fate~
actually i went to college everyday~
the reason is not oni to study ~
but also wish can meet u up~
but i really hope tat u can be same as b4~
shout any problem u facing on me~
i willing to accept it~
feeling uncomfortable without "ur problem"~~~
i am writing wat i am thinking and feeling~

Monday, December 27, 2010

chirstmas party at friends house~

came back from relatives house bit late and made them waiting forme to go to shaun's house for the chirstmas party~
they said wanna leave home earlier at 5 smtg to buy red wine as gift fort he party~
but i reached home at bout 6pm
coz was traffic jam when my aunty fetched me back from shah alam~
really paiseh~
we moved at bout 6 smtg~
then we went to jusco to search for red wine~
RM 49.90~ 3 persons share~
still ok la..
reached shaun's house at bout 7 smtg~
we were the 2nd to reach there~
ah geng they all were the first but they waited for us to go in togather..
after finished enjoying all the niz food~
we started to play card games wif alcohol~
becoz of not enough people then i join in~
thn i had my coke although everyone was having alcohol during tat game~
the game rule was
there was a cup in the middle of us in the cirle~
there were 8 number "2" cards in 2 set of poker card~
whoever got the number "2" then u nid to add alcohol into the cup for 2 seconds~
then the one who got the last number "2" card~
he will be finished the whole cup of mixed alcohol which include:
i was the one who got the last number "2" card!!!
the first time i drank so much alcohol!!!
one shot finished the whole cup~
the weird thing was i didnt get drunk!!!
juz my body feel hot and my eye in red~
like vampire~
first experience and is very cool!!!!
i very seldom drink alcohol ~
but this is my first and the first time~
really cool!!!
thx friends!!
but angie drunk!!!!
very funny emotion and acts~
simply say anything~
wat we done were laughing!!!
first time saw "funny" angie~
reached home bout 4 am~
were very busy this few days wif celebration wif my relatives and friends!!!
really enjoy this year chirstmas!!!!
hope next year will hav the same things happend~

chirstmas party~

25th december 2010~
my relative had organised a chirstmas ast his house which was located at shah alam~
on the chirstmas day~
my mum and my 2 sister came to kl in the morning by 7 am bus~
they reached here bout 10 smtg~
by tat time i forced myself to wake up and 9 smtg to prepare myself~
although bit tired but is quite excited~
but my dad din come togather ~
coz he was too tired of working~
after passed me my stuff~
we went o wangsa to meet my 2nd sister and had our lunch there~
my three sister had decided to go shopping at times square b4 we go for the party~
we reached times quare at bout 12 smtg~
as the oni guy~
i done the things i always done when wen shopping with 3 of them and my mum~
tats was "WAIT"!
but luckily i stil got myself 3 shirts and pair of shoes~
all very cheaps~
at bout 5pm~
we went to the kelana jaya station and wait for my cousin sister to fetched us~
we reached ther bout 6 smtg~
and they juz started BBQ~
then we juz joined them~
the best part was~
all my relatives had prepared cake to celebrate my and my sister birthday!!!!
long time i din had a cake for my birthday lerh~~
thank u all very much !!!!
it really suprised me!!!
bout 11pm smtg~
we had a gift exchange sessions~
i got a very cute gift wich is not suit me~
it was a pink colour water botol wif a "hello kitty" on it...
i cant use it
and i gav it to my sister lerh..
really enjoy the night wif bbq, birthday celebration and chatting around wif all my relatives~
hope can have this type of gathering o party again soon!!!!

wonderful chirstmas eve~

24th december 2010 (chirstmas eve)

actually i had no plan on this day~
but angie had planned to got somewhere to eat and in the meanwhile to celebrate chirstmas eve also~
then she confirmed to go for steamboat buffet at "YUEN" at sunway~
is a bit far but is ok lar..
coz can "tumpang" ryan car~
we had it for our dinner~
b4 tat i had planned to eat little bit things oni~
so tat at night can eat lots lots of things at "yuen"
i done tat..
10 of us went there for dinner,,
me,angie, pheng,joseph, xander, louis, ryan, momoko, chung sing, cookies~
we sat there from 8 smtg till 11smtg~
we had ate lots of foods~
i think can make it into 3 meals lerh..
after tat they said wanna go somewhere for drinking beer~
at last they had decided to go "THE CURVE"
coz lots of pub available there~
when we reached there a lots of people had get ready countdown for chirstmas~
the most dangerous part is they all were holding "snow spray"!!!
we tried to avoid from the spray~
but some naughty guys purposely spray on us~
every pub were full of people~
they found one pub but is very expensive~
they denied it aqnd go back to "pool sanctuary" for beer and play pool~
we play till bout 4 am~
then we went back home~
(i nid to wake up 9 in the next morning..@@)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


1、放下压力 累与不累,取决于自己的心态

心灵的房间,不打扫就会落满灰尘。蒙尘的心,会变得灰色和迷茫。我们每天都要经历很多事情,开心的,不开心的,都在心里安家落 户。心里的事情一多,就会变得杂乱无序,然后心也跟着乱起来。有些痛苦的情绪和不愉快的记忆,如果充斥在心里,就会使人委靡不 振。所以,扫地除尘,能够使黯然的心变得亮堂;把事情理清楚,才能告别烦乱;把一些无谓的痛苦扔掉,快乐就有了更多更大的空间。 紧紧抓住不快乐的理由,无视快乐的理由,就是你总是觉得难受的原因了。

2、放下烦恼 快乐其实很简单

所谓练习微笑,不是机械地挪动你的面部表情,而是努力地改变你的心态,调节你的心情。学会平静地接受现实,学会对自己说声顺其自 然,学会坦然地面对厄运,学会积极地看待人生,学会凡事都往好处想。这样,阳光就会流进心里来,驱走恐惧,驱走黑暗,驱走所有的 阴霾。 快乐其实很简单,不要自己不快乐就可以了。

3、放下自卑 把自卑从你的字典里删去

不是每个人都可以成为伟人,但每个人都可以成为内心强大的人。内心的强大,能够稀释一切痛苦和哀愁;内心的强大,能够有效弥补你 外在的不足;内心的强大,能够让你无所畏惧地走在大路上,感到自己的思想,高过所有的建筑和山峰! 相信自己,找准自己的位 置, 你同样可以拥有一个有价值的人生。

4、放下懒惰 奋斗改变命运

不要一味地羡慕人家的绝活与绝招,通过恒久的努力,你也完全可以拥有。因为,把一个简单的动作练到出神入化,就是绝招;把一件平 凡的小事做到炉火纯青,就是绝活。 提醒自己,记住自己的提醒,上进的你,快乐的你,健康的你,善良的你,一定会有一个灿烂 的人 生。

5、放下消极 绝望向左,希望向右

如果你想成为一个成功的人,那么,请为“最好的自己”加油吧,让积极打败消极,让高尚打败 鄙陋,让真诚打败虚伪,让宽容打败褊 狭,让快乐打败忧郁,让勤奋打败懒惰,让坚强打败脆弱,让伟大打败猥琐……只要你愿意,你完 全可以一辈子都做最好的自己。 没有 谁能够左右胜负,除了你。自己的战争,你就是运筹帷幄的将军! 不是所有的梦想都能成 为美好的现实,但美丽的梦想同 样可以装点出 生活的美丽。

6、放下抱怨 与其抱怨,不如努力

所有的失败都是为成功做准备。抱怨和泄气,只能阻碍成功向自己走来的步伐。放下抱怨,心平气和地接受失败,无疑是智者的姿态。 抱怨无法改变现状,拼搏才能带来希望。真的金子,只要自己不把自己埋没,只要一心想着闪光,就总有闪光的那一天。 纵观古今 中 外,很多人生的奇迹,都是那些最初拿了一手坏牌的人创造的。 不要总是烦恼生活。不要总以为生活辜负了你什么,其实,你跟别人 拥 有的一样多。

7、放下犹豫 立即行动,成功无限

认准了的事情,不要优柔寡断;选准了一个方向,就只管上路,不要回头。机遇就像闪电,只有快速果断才能将它捕获。 立即行动是所 有成功人士共同的特质。如果你有什么好的想法,那就立即行动吧;如果你遇到了一个好的机遇,那就立即抓住吧。立即行动,成功无 限! 有些人是必须忘记的,有些事是用来反省的,有些东西是不能不清理的。该放手时就放手,你才可以腾出手来,抓住原本属于 你的 快乐和幸福! 有些事情是不能等待的,一时的犹豫,留下的将是永远的遗憾!

8、放下狭隘 心宽,天地就宽

宽容是一种美德。宽容别人,其实也是给自己的心灵让路。只有在宽容的世界里,人,才能奏出和谐的生命之歌! 要想没有偏见 , 就要 创造一个宽容的社会。要想根除偏见,就要首先根除狭隘的思想。只有远离偏见,才有人与内心的和谐,人与人的和谐,人与社会的 和 谐。 我们不但要自己快乐,还要把自己的快乐分享给朋友、家人甚至素不相识的陌生人。因为分享快乐本身就是一种快乐,一种更高 境 界的快乐。 宽容是一种美德。宽容别人,其实也是给自己的心灵让路。只有在宽容的世界里,人,才能奏出和谐的生命之歌!

stupid me!!!!

I had bought a chirstmas gift and is ready to give her last night~
but i ask her whether got time to come mu and i pass to her~
WTF am i doing???!!!!!
wan give her things ~
but call her to come and take??!!!!
fuck myself..
useless guys~
WTF was tat???!!!!

lee qiang lee qiang~~~
i am very dissapointed wif urs stupid thinking and acting!!!!!
hey man~
ur are 20th years old now!!!
wat hav u learned in 20 years times???
juz learned to eat, walk and talk??!!!!
where are all ur altitude u learned in 20years time???
gave backed to ur parents d???!!!
not oni u make me dissapointed on u ~
all ur friends also had the same feeling wif me~
20th years old lerh...!!!!
try to learned smtg new!!!
juz a little problem~
and can make u like wanna die because of that small problem??!!
learned to e tuft!!!!
this is wat a girl need!!!
a tuft and confident guy!!!!
not a coward!!!
lee qiang~
trust urself!!!
u can do it de!!!
show somethings new from urself!!!
face any challenges and get it done by urself!!!
dun afraid of it!!!
come on!!!
u are u guy!!!
not a gal~
even a gal is more tuft than u coward!
stop having negative thinking playing in ur mind~
get ur own mind to the positive sides !!!
go man!!!
soli gal~
hope u like it~

Friday, December 17, 2010

~wonderful dinner~

Reached home about 5 pm and was raining out there..
i was wet by the rain~
but not much~
when after bout half and hour i get home~
i started to had bit dizzy and pain on my head~
damn suffering!!!
suddenly i thought of my head was wet by rain when i was on my was to get home..
but i do nothing when i get home~
tats the reason i get dizzy~
without much delay~
straight away went for bath~
after finished bath..
it was so cold and fresh but the stupid pain still playing around on my head~><~

these were what i cooked..
the rice andthe onios eggs~
the vege bought from mamak stall due to cant get fresh vegetable~
it was very niz and had the "smell" of eating mum cooking!!!!
exam fast fast past..
i wan to go home eat!!!
i will train myself to cook~

To suprise "someone" one day!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"EMO" day~

Was thinking to get myslf a new back-pack as my current bag going to retire soon~
I used it everyday for more than one year d~
I think is the time to get a new one to replace it...
this time i am looking for a bag that can stuff lots of things inside it..
so tat i no nid to carry so many bag when going back malacca..
Therefore, i had made a plan last night to go times square and sungei wang to look for it~
and in the meantime to go and relax my moody mood~
the bad things is i had to go alone~
no one can acc me~
No choice~

Then i wen there at bout 12pm~
reached sungei wang first~
then saw a shop tat selling different kinds of bag..
then i went in to try my luck~
saw one that i am looking for~
asking for the price~~~
aunty>> is RM 100+10% discount~
so the price is RM 80.00
is still expensive~
the bag is quite suit and is the one tat i looking for~
the oni problem is the price~
me>> err~ aunty, nvm lar... if i wan~ i will be backed de...
coz wanna to look for a better and cheaper wan...
after tat cant find any~
then decided to go times square
nearly get lost in sungei wang...
cant really reconize the way i go...
cant find the way out to times square~
luckily i got the way..
reached there bout 2 smtg~
then continue to my mission~~
suddely saw a shop wif 50% discount..
then i walk into the shops~
found a formal shirt which is quite niz and is on 50% discount~
tried for some of them~

Finally get one for myself~
after discount RM 50~
like it!
this is the one~xD

got shirt to wear for the cuming prom night le..!!!

then is bout 2.45 pm~
saw mcd restaurant..
think of lunch set~
then straight away go line up for it..
quite a time din eat mcd lerh~
stupid malay!!!
take my place although a get it first...
luckily i am a patient human...
if not~~~
at last find a place to sit down and enjoy my breakfast-lunch meal~
after finished makan then continue to search~
after bout one hour~
felt bit tired~
then thinking of going home~
to save bit money ~
i had decided to walk all the way from sungei wang to KLCC to take lrt back home~
reached home bout 5 smtg~
is quite fun to go shopping alone~
but got bit feeling lonely~
going to do it again next time!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

missed the times badly~

A week lerh...
i din update ma blog
times past so damn fast...
A week time juz past like tat without doing much things~
and the final exam is juz around the corner..
Actually i am suffering and felt regret tat i confessed to her without preparing myself~
and causing us not like b4 lerh...
last time, we were very closed friend chatting around~
telling wat she suffering and problem she faces~
and same goes to me~
when she face problem she will shout to me~ >.<
and i feel tat we are far apart from each other since i made my confession to her~
should i continue to do wat i hav done b4 this???
actually i am still very very concern bout her..
but not as much like b4 lerh..
because we seldom sms and msn chatting wif each others~
as she say she dun like to sms coz not convenient and slow~~~
to made her feel comfortable, i din find her everytimes~
what i do is juz sometimes concerned her by message her~
juz to confirmed she is in the good conditions~^.^~
i do hope tat she wont feel very "fan" on me~
if u are~
pls tell me!!!
dun make me like a fool~

It was my fault tat i had no confident to myself b4 tat....
i noe tat girls wont fall in love wif a guys without confidents and braveness~
but i nid times to change and upgrade myself....
hope tat we can chat like b4 lar...
if not i am very boring at home nobody to chat wif~xD

i wrote this wif no negative offence~
jus now express wat i am thinking and my feeling~

gud luck to myself~

Saturday, December 4, 2010







Friday, December 3, 2010

new shoe!!! woohoo!!!!

finally i got my shoe!!!
i waited for it two months lerh!!!
the shoe i ordered and paid on 4th october~
last wednesday i oni got it...
and luckily roommate were at home..
thx guys~
this is a sport shoe for playing basketball wan~
the name is nike "kobe bryant V"~
is a shoe tat i wan it long time ago~
although is not genuine wan...
but is ok for me...
can comfort me can le..
coz i din hav tat amount of money to buy a genuine wan..
the price of the genuine wan is bout rm 400++
can buy 3 of this le~
is a niz niz shoe and is AAA goods~
so is almost the same as genuine wan..
i am a human who change new pair of shoe very often~
dun noe y..
i can spoilt a shoe very fast~
half year change a new pair~
am i too fat???
the shoes cant stand the pressure of me???
but i used to it le...
and is also a reason i buy not too expensive shoes~
i hope this shoe can last longer if i take good care of it..
how do you feel of this shoes???
comment it~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

working day~

Woke up at 6 am in the morning~
but my work start at 10am~
is very very far and i never been there b4~
so me and lemon went out at 7 am~
we took 2 hours to reached there..
it was 9 am~
nobody was there..
oni we both~
reached too early lerh..
then after an hours waiting~
they finally reached ...
when we go into the indoor stadium~
is a proffesional basketball court~
it was my first time to be in this place ~
they warer seting up~
lex told us tat our jobs is cover the floor wif the red carpet..
he say we nid to wait for the carpet to reached oni we can start worrk..
wat can we both do is wait!
at last we had waited from 10 am till 3 pm~
free for so many hours!!!
nearly died of boringness.
after we done our jobs~
it was already 5 smtg~
lady boss say wait for lex to settle his things first oni send us to ktm station~
at last, he sent us to train station at bout 7pm~

it sound like a very easy jobs~
ya is true!
but for me i rather working till exhauted but not wait till exhauted!!!